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आंवला भारतीय मूल का एक अति लाभकारी स्वास्थ्यवर्धक फल है। इसे अपने अद्वितीय औषधीय एवं पोषक गुणों के कारण ‘अमृत फल’ भी कहा जाता है। आंवला के फलों मे विटामिन ‘सी’ व पालीफिनाल प्रचुर मात्रा मे पाया जाता हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त इसमे कार्बोहाइड्रेट, रेशा, लोहा, कैलशियम, फास्फोरस व अन्य विटामिन भी पर्याप्त मात्रा में होते हैं इसलिये आंवले के नियमित सेवन से मधुमेह, पाचन संबंधी, नेत्र, हृदय संबंधी व रक्त विकार को संतुलित करने में सहायता मिलती है। अम्लीय एवं कसैले स्वाद के कारण फल तुरन्त उपयोग हेतु अधिक उपयुक्त नही होते हैं अतः इनके गुणों को संरक्षित करने हेतु बहुत से उपयोगी व स्वादिष्ट उत्पाद बनाये जाते हैं। व्यवसायिक स्तर पर आंवले से सुपारी, मुरब्बा, रसीले फांकें, सूखी मीठी फांकें, रस, लड्डू , बर्फी, पाउडर, चूरन व च्यवनप्राश आदि बनाये जाते हैं। आंवले की अनेक व्यवसायिक किस्मे जैसे चकैया, कृष्णा, एन ए-6, एन ए-7, एन ए-10, कंचन व लक्ष्मी-52 उपलब्ध हैं, जिन्हें उत्पाद के अनुसार चयनित किया जाता है।


Aonla (Indian gooseberry) also known as amla is a very beneficial fruit of Indian origin. It is also called Amrit Phal due to its unique medicinal and nutritional properties. Aonla fruit is rich in vitamin C and polyphenols. It also contains adequate amounts of carbohydrates, fiber, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and other vitamins. So, regular intake of aonla helps in balancing diabetes, digestive, eye, cardiovascular, and blood disorders.

Due to the acidic and astringent taste, aonla fruits are not suitable for immediate use. So, they are consumed through the preparation of many tasty products having useful properties of aonla. At the commercial level, juice, pickle, slices-in-syrup, candy, laddoo, burfi, supari, powder, churan, and chyawanprash are prepared.


Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a fruit found in tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world. It is one of the most popular fruits of Indian sub continent grouped under fruits of high ascorbic acid content. Apart, the fruit is a rich source of pectin, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Owing to wide availability, excellent taste, flavour and high nutritional value, the fruit is called as


This app developed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow.Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the most popular fruits of Indian sub continent. The fruit bears pleasant aroma and taste besides high nutritional qualities. It is grouped under fruits of high ascorbic acid content and contains 2 to 5 times more ascorbic acid than oranges. Apart, the fruit is a rich source of pectin, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Guava is grown in almost all parts of the country and excels most other fruit crops in productivity, hardiness, adaptability. Owing to wide availability, excellent taste & flavour and high nutritional value, the fruit is often called as


Mango Known as king of fruits is cultivated in most tropical and warmer subtropical climates. India is world leader in mango production. Mango is processed at all stages of development. Raw mangoes rich in vitamin C are widely used for making various types of pickles, chutney, panna, amchoor etc. India is a big exporter of mango pickles. Panna is a sweet / spiced beverage having cooling effect during the hot summer months. A mobile app on RAW MANGO PRODUCTS (in English language) has been developed by Dr. H.C.Verma (Senior Scientist, ICAR- CISH) and Dr. Neelima Garg (Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Post Harvest Management) under the leadership of Dr. S.Rajan, Director. The app has calculation facility for making varied amounts of products even at cottage scale industry level. These apps will be help people all around the globe to make and relish Indian styled raw mango products. The provided information will help in reducing post harvest losses of raw mangoes, generation of employment opportunities and improve the livelihood status of the farmers.


Mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) are grown globally, but its production is more in the Asian region. Mangoes products are relished for their attractive flavor, taste, aroma and color. Mangoes are high in vitamins, potassium, and folate and also add fiber to diet. The app describes the recipes for making processed mango products viz. mango pulp, squash, mango slice in syrup, mango jam , chutney and mango bar etc.

The app has calculation facility for making varied amounts of products even at cottage scale industry level. These apps will be help people all around the globe to make and relish Indian styled ripe mango products. The provided information will be helpful in reducing post harvest losses of ripe mangoes, generation of employment opportunities and improve the livelihood status of the farmers.


BagwanMitra is an Android based mobile application for mango growers to help them for better crop management practices. One can read the illustrated description of common problems faced by farmers. Technical advice can be obtained through message or phone by sending photos and messages through this app.


ICAR- CISH, Lucknow has developed two mobile apps. One each for raw and ripe mango products. These apps have easy recipes for preparation of raw mango products viz. amchoor, achar, pana etc. and ripe mango products including pulp, jam, squash, leather, etc.

These apps will be helpful reducing post-harvest losses of mangoes, generation of employment opportunities and improve the livelihood status of the farmers.

Mango Known as king of fruits is cultivated in most tropical and warmer subtropical climates . India is world leader in mango production. Mango is processed at all stages of development. Raw mangoes rich in vitamin C are widely used for making various types of pickles, chutney , panna, amchoor etc. India is a big exporter of mango pickles. Panna is a sweet / spiced beverge having cooling effect during the hot summer months. The present app on RAW MANGO PRODUCTS developed by Sh. H.C.Verma (Senior Scientist, ICAR- CISH) and Dr. Neelima Garg (Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Post Harvest Management) under the leadership of Dr. S.Rajan, Director. These apps will be help people all around the globe to make and relish Indian styled raw mango products. The provided information will help in reducing post harvest losses of raw mangoes, generation of employment opportunities and improve the livelihood status of the farmers.

The app is in Hindi font to help people understanding Hindi. The app has audio facility as well.


India is the home of mangoes with about 1000 varieties. It is a prominent exporter of fresh mangoes and mango pulp. Mango pulp is rich in potassium, beta - carotene and antioxidants. Mango Pulp is prepared from selected varieties of Fresh Mango Fruit. Mango varieties develop distinct aroma after ripening which becomes characteristic of pulp. Mango pulp is the intermediary product for making juices, nectars, drinks, jams, fruit cheese and various other kinds of beverages. It is also used for ice cream, yoghurts, puddings, filling, bakery products and bars.

The present app on RIPE MANGO PRODUCTS has been developed by Sh. H.C.Verma (Senior Scientist, ICAR- CISH) and Dr. Neelima Garg (Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Post Harvest Management) under the leadership of Dr. S.Rajan, Director. The content will be of real help to mango lovers since with its help they will be able to prepare their favourite ripe mango product.

The app is in Hindi language to help people understanding Hindi. The app has audio facility as well.
