आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

CISH Auditorium

Centrally air-conditioned hall, lounge, VIP cafeteria with capacity of hall for 270 persons.  9+2 persons may utilize stage . Fire protection system (smoke detectors, laser beam sensor and fire extinguishers) available out side and inside the hall. Stage light facility is available with power backup of 125 KVA generator with 24 hrs power supply.

Facilities available:

Seating capacity 270 persons (push back type Godrej seats)
Stage Wooden floor. Motorized curtains on front and rear side.
Audio visual facility 5000 lumens projector with desktop computer / lap top facility. Full length screen folding type.
Stage mikes – 6 nos.
Cordless mike – 1 no.
Collar mike – 2 nos.
Stage light (spot and multi color) for cultural programmes.
Air-conditioned VIP Dining lounge 24 persons.
Air-conditioned lounge 250 persons
ICAR-CISH has an auditorium with a capacity to accommodate 270 persons with audio-visual projection and address systems. It is available for conference on approved charge basis (Rs 25,000/- per day).