आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Visit of Sh Ravindra Jaiswal, Minister of State, Stamp and registration to ICAR-CISH

भा.कृ.अनु.प.- कें.उ.बा.सं., लखनऊ में श्री रवींद्र जायसवाल, राज्य मंत्री, स्टाम्प एवं पंजीकरण का भ्रमण

Sh Ravindra Jaiswal. Hon’ble Minister of State, Stamp, Registration and Court fee of Govt of Uttar Pradesh visited the Rehmankhera campus of ICAR-CISH, Lucknow. He was welcomed by Dr Neelima Garg, the Director of the Institute along with the team of scientists. Dr Garg took him a round of the farm and showed processing laboratory and all the processed fruit products. Sh Jaiswal was overwhelmed with joy seeing the institute technologies and products. He appreciated the efforts made by the Institute especially in the field of value addition and processing of subtropical fruits. He tasted the products and emphasized the need for their commercialization. He also assured that he would make the efforts to involve various ministries of govt of Uttar Pradesh to strengthen the processing industry of Uttar Pradesh. He also asked the Institute scientists to visit the Varanasi and Mirzapur area and explore the possibilities for commercialization of nursery, fruit industry and processing industry. He also visited the Rehmankhera farm of the institute and appreciated various technologies like new varieties, rejuvenation technology and above all the valuable germplasm of mango which includes more than 750 varieties/accessions/hybrids from all over the world. Dr Dushyant Mishra explained various activities of the Institute during the field visit. All the heads of divisions and senior Principal Scientists of the Institute participated in the discussion with the minister.