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देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

On-farm Training program on Good Agricultural Practices in Mango Cultivation organized by ICAR-CISH Lucknow

Considering the significance of scientific production technology in ensuring quality fruit production of mango, an On-farm Training program “Good Agricultural Practices in Mango Cultivation” was organized at Sarraiya, Ayodhya, (Eastern Plain) on April 10, 2024 in collaboration with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and District Horticulture Department Ayodhya. More than 50 participants comprising of mango growers, entrepreneurs and FPO participated in the training program. Dr. Kundan Kishore, Head, Division of Crop Production, welcomed the guests and participants and underlined the initiative of CISH, Lucknow in bridging the knowledge gap pertaining to scientific mango production technology in collaboration with the KVK and State Hort. Deptt. He further emphasized the significance of canopy management in high density plantation and rejuvenation in sustaining mango production in the region. Dr. H. S. Singh, Principal Scientist, CISH emphasized the importance of insect pest management in obtaining higher yield in mango. He also sensitized the mango growers about the use of traps for management of insect pest including fruit fly. Sh. Paras Nath, DHO Ayodhya highlighted the initiatives and schemes of the Department in mango cultivation and marketing. He appreciated the effort of the CISH in conducting the training program for needy mango growers. Dr. B. P. Sahi, Head, KVK, Ayodhya also emphasized the role of KVK in dissemination of need-based technology for the benefit of the mango growers. Significance of nutrient management and water management in ensuring quality fruit production was highlighted by Dr. Dinesh Kumar Principal Scientist CISH. Dr. Ramgopal, KVK, emphasized the need of integrated disease management in mango. The significance of the post harvest management in ensuring higher market price was emphasized by Dr. Karam Beer CISH. During the field visits, participants were demonstrated scientific management of tree canopy, nutrient, water and pest and diseases. Scientists of CISH advised the mango growers to adopt rejuvenation technology for their senile mango orchards. During the interaction, participants expressed satisfaction over the program and realized the adoption of Good Agricultural Practices in mango for obtaining higher market price. The program was ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Karam Beer. The program was coordinated by Dr. Kundan Kishore, Dr. H. S. Singh, Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Karm Beer Dr. Ramgopal and Sh. Dhruv Kumar.