आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

IP Awareness Talk on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day-2024

ICAR-CISH, Lucknow celebrated World Intellectual Property Day-2024 on the theme of the year IP and the SDGs Building our common future with innovation and creativity on this occasion, ITMU organized an IP awareness talk on 8 May 2024 under the chairmanship of Dr. T. Damodaran, Director, ICAR-CISH. Dr. Muthukumar. M. officer-In-charge ITMU welcomed the invited guest speaker Managing Director Ag Hub PJTSAU Rajendranagar, Hyderabad and gave a brief description on institutes IP portfolio. Dr. Kalpana Shastry delivered a talk on The Emerging Technology Landscape in Horticultural Food Systems with special emphasis on IP and SDGs. Her lecture focused on developing innovation centric technologies green technologies and Horticulture 4.0 digital horticulture. She also discussed the case studies of Madurai Malli Kashmirs saffron etc. and explained how the GI & technological interventions of ICAR institutes/SAUs enhanced the economic and business opportunities as well as attributed for achieving of SDGs. The programme ended with a formal vote of thanks by Dr. Ravi S.C. A total of 46 participants attended the program.