आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Farmers from Siwan and Katni district visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow

भा.कृ.अनु.प.- कें.उ.बा.सं., सिवान एवं कटनी जिले के कृषकों का भ्रमण

A group of 30 farmers including 3 officials from ATMA, Siwan district of Bihar and another group of 21 farmers including two officials from ATMA, Katni district of Madhya Pradesh visited the Institute on March 30, 2022. Farmers were apprised about Institute’s developed technologies i.e., high density planting of mango & guava, rejuvenation of mango, canopy management, integrated Insect and disease management, Mulching, Protected cultivation of vegetables, container gardening and Espalier gardening of guava. Dr. Ashok Kumar, Principal Scientist, apprised them about cultivation of strawberry in northern plain area during the visit. Technique of wedge grafting in mango was also demonstrated among farmers during visit of experimental field. Mr. Arvind Kumar, ACTO coordinated the visit.