आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Exposure visit of farmers from Rohtas, Bihar

रोहतास, बिहार के किसानों का संस्थान भ्रमण

A group of 30 farmers including an official from Kochas, Nauhatta, Vikramganj, Chenari, Dinara, Nausa & Rohtas blocks of Rohtas district of Bihar sponsored by ATMA, Rohtas, Bihar in collaboration with Indira Gandhi Institute of Cooperative Management, Rajajipuram, Lucknow visited the Institute on March 09, 2022. Farmers were apprised of the Institute’s technologies, viz. high density planting of mango & guava, mango rejuvenation, canopy management in mango and guava, integrated insect pest and disease management, mulching, protected cultivation, container gardening and espalier gardening of guava. Dr. Alok Kumar Gupta, Scientist, sensitized the farmers about extracting pulp, preparing juices and other value added products during the visit of fruit processing laboratory. Mr. Arvind Kumar coordinated the visit.