आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Education tour of Govt. Girls Inter College, Hazratganj, Lucknow

राजकीय बालिका इण्टर कालेज, हजरतगंज, लखनऊ का शैक्षिक भ्रमण

राजकीय बालिका इण्टर कालेज, हजरतगंज, लखनऊ की 50 छात्राओं एवं 5 अध्यापिकाओं ने प्राचार्या के नेतृत्व में दिनांक 16.12.2017 को आई.सी.ए.आर.-सी.आई.एस.एच. का भ्रमण किया। जिला परियोजना कार्यालय के निर्देश को ध्यान में रखते हुए छात्राओं के लिए यह एक शैक्षिक भ्रमण था। इस भ्रमण में आम, अमरूद, बेल, लीची, जामुन आदि के प्रायोगिक पौधे और विभिन्न प्रयोगशालाओं को देखकर छात्राएं और शिक्षिकायें लाभान्वित हुयीं। संस्थान के प्रधान वैज्ञानिक डा. वी. के. सिंह एवं डा. अन्जू बाजपेयी ने बच्चों को बतायी गयी प्रौद्योगिकियों को अपने-अपने क्षेत्रों में प्रयोग में लाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया।

About fifty students along with five teachers and principal of the of GGIC, Hazratganj school visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow as a part of their educational tour on 16.12.2017. The education tour of student was a result of the directive of the district project office to visit national reputed institute for getting the innovated idea of the students for their betterment of knowledge. In course of their visit, the students were addressed by the scientist. Students visited the field where collections of mango varieties are available. Students were also visited the cultivation of different crops under poly house condition, post harvest laboratory and products and molecular biology laboratory. The have interacted with the scientists on different aspects of fruit crops. The students as well as teachers were extremely happy to see mango, guava, bael, litchi, jamun, etc., experimental plots. Dr. V.K. Singh and Dr. Anju Bajpai, Principal Scientists of the Institute suggested children to take the knowledge to their areas and apply them in their respective farm field.