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A National Webinar on “Soil Health Management in Horticultural Ecosystem” was organized at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow on 20 December, 2022

A National Webinar on “Soil Health Management in Horticultural Ecosystem” was organized at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow on 20 December, 2022. Dr. Devendra Pandey, Director, CISH Lucknow was the Chief Guest of this webinar. Dr. P.L. Saroj acted as Organizing Secretary and Dr. Tarun Adak as Organizing Convener. Dr. P.L. Saroj delivered his welcome address wherein he focused on importance of conservation and management of natural resources. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Devendra Pandey, Organizing Chairman wherein he has emphasized the importance of natural resources management in sustaining productivity and profitability in horticultural ecosystem. The concern of food security and in order to achieve Sustainable Developmental Goals, the role of soil and tree health management was given due focus and national importance to obtain orchard sustainability. Dr. Tarun Adak while welcoming the delegates emphasized the essentiality of health management and dissemination of farmers’ friendly technologies for the benefits of growers’ vis-à-vis national growth. A total of six keynote addresses were delivered by eminent speakers across the Country. In the Technical Session-I three presentations were made. Excellent and informative presentation on “Soil Health Management in Citrus: An Overview” was delivered by Dr. A.K. Srivastava, CCRI, Nagpur. In his presentation, he emphasized on nutrient density in fruits, the role of precision farming, soil health management vis-à-vis yield gap analysis, root zone hybridization, customization of fertilizers, importance of nutromics and microbial interventions in sustaining the fruit production. The importance of “Organic cultivation: in-situ value addition Technology” was delivered by Dr. Biraj Basak, DMAPR Anand, Gujarat. Since billions of rupees were involved in domestic and foreign trade of organic medicinal crops, the insightful and informative presentations enlightened the participants. The latest technology of microbial formulations, micronutrient formations, capsules, virus management, soil and tree health management in various spices crops like black pepper, cardamom, turmeric, ginger etc. was discussed and presented in detailed in the topic “Soil Health Management for Spices crops”. The key note address was delivered by Dr. V Srinivasan, IISR Kerala keeping in view of billions of rupees involved in both domestic and foreign trade. In the Technical Session-II, another three presentations were made by three keynote speakers. The “Microbial applications for soil health restoration under subtropical climate” was delivered by Dr. Govind Kumar, CISH, Lucknow wherein he emphases the role of bioformulations like CISH-Bioenhancer and CISH-Biozapper for the benefit of farmers under subtropical condition. The importance of soil health management for enhancing orchard productivity and sustainability in mango orchards was delivered by Dr. Tarun Adak, CISH, Lucknow on topic entitled “Soil Health Management in Subtropical fruits”. The importance of Zinc and Boron nutrition in guava, mango cv. Dashehari and Mallika was presented in detailed. The role of drip fertigation in enhancing productivity, nutrient and water use efficiencies and profitability was discussed broadly.The commercialized “Microbial Technologies for Horticultural Crop Production” was delivered by Dr. Govid Selvakumar, IIHR, Bengaluru. The concluding remarks were delivered by Dr. Devendra Pandey, Organizing Chairman where he requested stakeholders for adoption of scientific management of soil and tree health for enhancing orchard productivity and profitability. The programme was ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Tarun Adak, Organizing Convener to all the speakers, delegates, participants and CISH staff for their support in various ways.