आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Aonla segments-in-serup

  • Aonla is a very nutritious fruit ; fresh consumption is limited by its astringent taste
  • Aonla murabba , a product well known , has poor nutritional qualities
  • Aonla segments in syrup is a new diversified product
  • Prepared by blanching , separating the segments and dipping them successively in sugar syrup (50-70oB) containing citric acid and  preservative
  • About 6 days are required for preparation of this product
  • Finally, segments are packed in 72o B syrup in air tight plastic jars
  • Finished product contains 200 mg per 100 g ascorbic acid , much higher than murabba

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