आगंतुक गणना


देखिये पेज आगंतुकों

Mango varieties



This is a variety developed from a cross between Amrapali and Janardan Pasand and released in the year 2000 for commercial cultivation.  The variety acquired regular bearing and fruit qualities from Amrapali and red peel colour from Janardan Pasand.  It has wide adaptability and is performing well in climatologically contrasting regions as far as mango varieties are concerned.   
The tree is semi-spreading with sparse canopy.  It is a regular bearing variety and matures late in the season.  Average fruit yield is 80 kg per plant at the age of 10 years.   The fruit is oblong oval in shape having a size of 11.75 x 7.65 x 6.53 cm and weighs 250-350 g per fruit.   Fruits are purple green at maturity and turn bright yellow with dark red blush upon ripening.  The ripe fruit is firm with scanty fibre, pulp colour is orange yellow and TSS develops up to 21o Brix.   The shelf life of fruit is 8 days. The variety has potential for export and internal market because of its attractive fruit colour.


A lot of variation has crept in the fruit quality and yield attributes of Dashehari mango because of indiscriminate multiplication from unknown sources for several years. A regular bearing and high yielding clone of Dashehari was selected by exploiting clonal variability. Besides bearing regular crop every year, this clone gives 38 per cent more yield than other Dashehari trees. The reproductive and vegetative growth is well distributed on the tree underlying the reason for its regularity of bearing. The index of irregular bearing of this clone is less than other trees. Regularity coupled with high yield of this clone will lead to increased production of mango cv. Dashehari. It can be grown in all the regions of mango cultivation and at present is in high demand.