CISH- Aonla-Sugarcane Vinegar

Ingredients: Sugarcane juice, Aonla juice
Nutritive value/100 ml 

  1. Acetic acid – 5.4
  2. Vitamin-C – 3.3 mg
  3. Anti-oxidants – 112 mg
  4. Calorie – 24

Key Features:

  1.  CISH has developed aonla blended sugarcane vinegar using a protocol in which the time of making vinegar is reduced from 3 months to 4-5 weeks and the vinegars possess the goodness of aonla as well.
  2.  Vinegar is a sour-tasting condiment and preservative prepared by two successive microbial processes, the first being an alcoholic fermentation by yeasts and the second oxidation of alcohol by Acetobacter aceti.