CISH-Raw Mango Based Chilli Sauce

Ingredients: Strawberry, salt, sugar, Lactobacillussp.
Nutritive value/100 ml

  1. Lactic acid – 0.2 ml
  2. Vitamin-C - 2.1 mg
  3. Anti-oxidants – 37 mg
  4. Anthocyanins - 2.4 mg
  5. Calorie – 9.0
  6. Lactobacillus counts -  >106

Key Features:

  1. The drink is prepared through lactic acid fermentation of strawberry using Lactobacillus sp. bacteria.
  2. Product is probiotic in nature containing live population of gut-friendly Lactobacillusbacteria.
  3. Technology is very simple and low cost.
  4. It is highly refreshing, attractive pink, slight acidic in taste, possessing strawberry aroma and its all healthy properties.
  5. The product is very digestive in nature. It also provides resistance against various pathogens.