Crop specific potting mixture and root/canopy regulation in fruit crops for terrace gardening

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          For the urban and semi-urban dwellers, fruit growing in container is an art and healthy practice. The fruit plant has long and wide root system with larger canopy and also has long juvenility. Excessive irrigation and fertilizer application may leads to continuous vegetative growth with no fruits. Production of well developed canopy, laden containerised fruit plants, having good market demand. By producing fruit laden fruit plants in growth media is light weight containers is lucrative business.  Guava (Lalit, Lalima, Shweta, Allahabad Safeda), Mango (Amrapali, Arunika and Ambika), Citrus, Sriganganagar  Lime-1, Nagpur Mandarin, Pant lemon & Kinnow mandarin, sweet orange ( Musambi, Jaffa, Washington), Pomegranate (Mridula, Bhagwa, Super Bhagwa), Strawberry (Chandler), Apple Ber, fig and Karonda suitable fruit crops for container gardening. Benefit cost ratio worked out for containerised fruit plant is 3-4:1.