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Walkathon was hosted in Integral University for Udyanoday-2 incubation programme:
Walkathon was organized on Udyanoday-2 incubation programme by ICAR-CISH, Lucknow in association with Lucknow University:
केंद्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान लखनऊ में आम पर भारत-इज़रायल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम.:
Participation in Farmers Fair.:
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP):
केंद्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान, लखनऊ में आम सुधार पर राष्ट्रीय संवाद में विचार-विमर्श हुआ भविष्य का रोड मैप तैयार हुआ..:
आम के बागों में काट-छांट का प्रदर्शन:
संस्थान में मनाया गया 78वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस :
EDP on Value Addition in Guava for FPOs and Rural Women of SHGs:
Scientist-students interaction cum Institute visit :
Scientist-Farmers interactions meet.:
ICAR celebrated its 96th Foundation Day:
लखनऊ आम महोत्सव-2024:
Participation in Mango Festival- 2024 organized by Chairman, National Media Club at Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur:
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany visited ICAR-CISH:
हिंदी कार्यशाला :
प्रशस्ति पत्र:
Kisan Sammelan cum live Webcast of 17th PM Kisan Programme.:
मलिहाबाद का जीएपी दशहरी आम पहली बार अमेरिका रवाना:
Field day on high density planting mango.:
Participation in State Level Kharif Productivity Goshthi- 2024 organized by Department of Agriculture Uttar Pradesh. :
Participation in State Level Kharif Productivity Goshthi- 2024 organized by Department of Agriculture Uttar Pradesh :
Training-Cum Awareness Programme on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act 2001 cum Mango and Jackfruit Diversity Show- 2024:
Bihar farmers get exposure of new horticultural technologies.:
Two days Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Dehydration and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables:
भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद- केंद्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान रहमानखेड़ा लखनऊ ने दिनांक अपना 41वाँ स्थापना दिवस मनाया.:
training program on Quality Mango Production and its Marketing was organized by ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
50th Institute Research Council Meeting held during May 9-10 & 13-14 2024:
IP Awareness Talk on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day-2024:
Experts visit ICAR CISH for Clean Plant Program Implementation.:
QRT interacts with scientists and other stakeholders:
बैगिंग तकनीक से आम बनेगा खास.:
Inaugurated modern facilities for entrepreneurs established at Agri Business Incubation Centre, ICAR - CISH Lucknow:
On-farm Training program on Good Agricultural Practices in Mango Cultivation organized by ICAR-CISH Lucknow:
हिंदी कार्यशाला:
आम-सभा 2024:
आम निर्यात पर किसान - वैज्ञानिक संगोष्ठी:
Skill Development will lead to Entrepreneurship :
Nine Startups to handhold by ICAR-CISH under Udyanoday-1 Incubation Programme..:
संस्थान में मनाया गया 75वां गणतंत्र दिवस।:
संस्थान का भ्रमण एवं वैज्ञानिक-छात्र संवाद बैठक:
वैज्ञानिक-किसान संवाद बैठक सह संस्थान का भ्रमण :
Institute visit and Scientist-Farmers interaction meet :
वैज्ञानिक-छात्र संवाद बैठक एवं संस्थान का भ्रमण :
One day training program for Farmers/FPOs on Feed and Fodder Development sponsored by NSC Siliguri at CISH KVK Malda:
Scientist-Farmers interaction meet cum Institute visit 08-01-2024:
वैज्ञानिक-छात्र संवाद बैठक एवं संस्थान का भ्रमण :
ड्रोन द्वारा उर्वरक का छिड़काव.:
ICAR-CISH and APEDA Targets 100 MT export of UP mangoes through sea route:
हिंदी कार्यशाला 21-12-2023:
अमरूद पर राष्ट्रीय संवाद का आयोजन संपन्न :
Organized One Day Farmers Training on Improved Production Technology on Jute production for Malda district:
Organized scientist-farmers interactions meet cum Institute visit :
Celebration of World Soil Day 2023:
Group discussion for increasing awareness for use of Consortia of Liquid bio fertilizer of NPK:
भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद केंद्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान, लखनऊ के वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा पनियाला बाहुल्य क्षेत्रों का सर्वेक्षण:
MoU signed between ICAR CISH Lucknow Uttar Pradesh and MS Khandelwal Bio fertilizers Pvt Ltd Belagavi Karnataka :
Scientist- students interaction meet :
फार्मर फर्स्ट परयोजना के अंतरगर्त उधमिता विकास हेतु सहयोग महिला स्वयं सहायता समूह का गठन:
सब्जी बीज वितरण कार्यक्रम अनुसूचित जाति उपयोजना के अंतर्गत..:
Participation in Farmers Fair organized by BUA&T, Banda :
ICAR-CISH Lucknow participated in Chandra shekhar Azad University of agriculture and technology at Kanpur:
उद्यान उद्यमी सम्मेलन-2023 में उ. प्र. की आम फल पट्टियों से आम निर्यात बढ़ाने हेतु उद्यमियों के साथ मिलकर फूड पार्क स्थापना और निवेश पर सहमति.:
गांधी जयंती 2 अक्टूबर 2023 :
हिंदी पखवाड़ा-2023 का दिनांक 29 सितम्बर 2023 को समापन समारोह आयोजित किया गया|:
उत्तर प्रदेश के महोबा जिले के 35 किसानों के एक समूह ने 27 सितंबर 2023 को संस्थान का भ्रमण किया:
Horticulture Investors Meet 2023 उद्यान से उद्योग तक10th October 2023:
हिंदी पखवाड़ा 2023:
केंद्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान में बौद्धिक संपदा अधिकार (आईपीआर) जागरूकता कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया।:
आम के बागों में आदर्श कृषि क्रियाओं पर कार्यशाला और प्रशिक्षण सम्पन्न:
संस्थान में मनाया गया 77वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस :
Scientist-students interactions meet cum Institute visit :
Scientist-students interaction cum field visit :
Training cum Farmers visit :
Processing and Preservation of Fruit crops under SCSP Plan :
Exposure Visit of District Development Managers (DDMs), NABARD from National Bank Staff College, Lucknow :
Launching of Turmeric intercropping at ICAR-CISH under Aroma Mission in collaboration with CSIR-NBRI:
Research Advisory Committee Meeting :
Visit of German delegate to ICAR-CISH:
महाकेसर आम उत्पादक संघ महाराष्ट्र के पदाधिकारियों का भ्रमण:
Institute visit cum Scientist-Farmers interaction meeting:
Institute visit cum Scientist-Farmers interaction :
ICAR-CISH organizes Nutri-Garden Awareness Programme at Farmers Field :
हिंदी कार्यशाला 23.06.2023:
Institute visit cum Scientist-Farmers interaction meet:
पाँच सितारा होटल में किसान बेंच रहे हैं आम.:
“Training on Nano orchard establishment for extension activists and farmers”:
Participation in State Level Kharif Productivity Goshthi- 2023 organized by Department of Agriculture, Uttar Pradesh :
Field visit cum scientist-student interaction :
ICAR-CISH celebrated “World Intellectual Property Day” on 26th April 2023:
Strengthening the horticulture entrepreneurs by ICAR-CISH:
Mango Buyer-Seller Meet – 2023:
Skill development training for Micro Irrigation technician program:
ICAR- CISH organizes Awareness Programme for School Children about Future Career Opportunities through Horticultural Research:
Institute visit by Chhattisgarh farmers and Farmer-scientist interaction:
DG ICAR interacts with farmers /stakeholders to address their issues and promote mango exports :
DG ICAR Inaugurated Technology Demonstration Park at ICAR-CISH Telibag Campus, Lucknow :
Study tour of students from Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and forestry, Pauri, Uttarakhand to ICAR CISH, Lucknow:
field visit cum scientist- students interaction :
श्री अन्न पर प्रशिक्षण सह जागरूकता कार्यक्रम:
भाकृअनुप-केन्द्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान, रहमानखेड़ा, लखनऊ में जल एवं जलाक्रांत भूमि प्रबंधन विषय पर हिन्दी कार्यशाला का आयोजन:
Participation in Farmers Fair & Agro- Industrial Exhibition organized by ANDU Agriculture & Technology Kumarganj, Ayodhya :
Participation of ICAR-CISH Lucknow of the post-budget webinar conducted by the MoAFW:
Participation in Krishi Mela and Pradarshani at RLBCAU, Jhansi :
Farmers visit to ICAR-CISH Lucknow :
तमिलनाडु कृषि विश्वविद्यालय की 67 छात्राओं का संस्थान में शैक्षणिक भ्रमण :
Visit of H’rable Shri Priya Ranjan IFS, Joint Secretary, MoAFW, Government of India to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmers from Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmer’s visit to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmers from Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH Participation in State level Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Show -2023 organized at Rajbhawan, Lucknow:
Inauguration of Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers DAESI at ICAR CISH RRS, KVK Malda, West Bengal:
Farmers from Saran district, Bihar visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow on 1-02-2023:
संस्थान में मनाया गया 74वां गणतंत्र दिवस :
Farmers’ Training on Scientific Cultivation, High Density Planting and Canopy Management in Guava.:
Training of twelve UP DASP officers was organized by the ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
Visit of School Students to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Students from Government Girls Inter College, Malihabad, Lucknow visited ICAR–CISH.:
ICAR-CISH, Rahmankhera, Lucknow celebrated Guava Day on 27th December 2022:
Farmers Producer Organization members visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Kisan Diwas 2022:
A National Webinar on “Soil Health Management in Horticultural Ecosystem” was organized at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow on 20 December, 2022:
Swatchhta Pakhwada activities 2022:
A group of 36 farmers from five blocks of Gopalganj district, Bihar visited at ICAR-CISH Lucknow:
Farmers from Saran district, Bihar visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow :
One Day Training Cum Workshop on Ready to Fruit Bag Dhingri (Oyster) Mushroom:
World Soil Day 2022:
भाकृअनुप-केन्द्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान में आम के बागों में चारे की अंत फसली खेती विषय पर किसान गोष्ठी:
Constitution Day celebrated on 26th Nov 2022:
ICAR-CISH displays its technologies during indo-Uzbek meet at integral university :
QRT visit CISH to Review AICRP ( fruits):
Visit of Dr. Devesh Chaturvedi, Additional Chief Secretary (Agri.) to Natural Farming Complex of ICAR-CISH Rae Bareli Road Campus :
Exposure visit-cum-training of NABARD officials to ICAR-CISH :
Distribution of Pea seeds under SCSP:
Visit of Pondicherry Students at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Vegetables seed distribution programme under SCSP:
Papaya Plant distribution under scheduled caste sub plan:
Vigilance Awareness Week - 2022:
Mission life (lifestyle for the Environment) Launch Event on 20th October 2022:
ICAR-CISH conducted live telecast programme of 12th instalment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi by PM with association of Kisan Gosthi programme.:
UP farmers training on Natural Farming organized by ICAR-CISH at Natural Farming Complex Telibagh :
हिंदी पखवाड़ा-2022:
ICAR-CISH Inaugurated of Telibagh campus as Natural Agriculture Complex by Dr. Pathak, Director General, ICAR:
ICAR-CISH Lucknow organised a three months campaign on preventive vigilance measures, precursor to the vigilance awareness week-2022:
Plant distribution program under Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan:
Farmer-Scientist Interaction meeting on ‘Maintaining soil health for sustainable fruit production’ organized:
Farmer – scientist interaction cum Kisan Gosthi:
ICAR-CISH Organized Hindi Workshop :
kisan gosthi organized at Tiknakheda, Malihabad:
Independence Day 2022:
Plant and seed distribution program under Scheduled Caste sub-plan, under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav :
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of independence, :
Capacity building programme on Funding Opportunities for Entrepreneurs through BIRAC under BIG Scheme:
NMC Mango Exhibition 2022 :
‘National Webinar on Disaster Management in Horticultural Crops’:
26 th meeting of Research Advisory Committee:
Rural youth will increase income by planting banana nursery:
ICAR-CISH participated in Aam Mahotsav-2022:
ICAR-CISH inked MoU with M/s. Ranaji Biotech (India) Pvt. Ltd, Kanpur :
ICAR-CISH signed MoU with M/s GT-Biosciences:
ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organizes Mango fair cum Mango diversity exhibition:
An awareness program on the topic of efficient and balanced fertilizer use in horticulture:
International Yoga Day on 21 June, 2022:
Training Program on Safe Harvesting of Mangoes under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan:
Scientist, ICAR-CISH visited marigold field of farmers:
ICAR-CISH celebrated 39th Foundation Day :
Visit of representatives of NGOs and Farmer Producer to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Visit of Sh Ravindra Jaiswal, Minister of State, Stamp and registration to ICAR-CISH :
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organizes interaction dialogue for promoting mango exports:
Farmers from Bhagalpur district visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow :
Students of Janta College Bakewar, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh visited ICAR CISH, Lucknow:
One Day Webinar on Latest Techniques of Fruit Production and Fruit Processing:
Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari Campaign:
Farmers from Siwan and Katni district visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized training on Propagation methods of sub tropical fruits and preparation of commercial products of guava :
Farmers from Chhapra district, Bihar visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
गाय आधारित प्राकृतिक खेती विषय पर हिंदी कार्यशाला:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow participated in workshop cum exhibition :
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organizes Entrepreneurs Incubation Meet :
Farmers from Patna district, Bihar visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow :
Newly selected Assistant Statistical officers visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow :
Participation in Regional Krishi Mela organized by Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar:
ICAR-CISH-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malda organizes Kisan Mela:
Exposure visit of farmers from Rohtas, Bihar:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow celebrates the International Women Day:
Participation in Vegetable cum Flower Show -2022 organized at Rajbhawan, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH Celebrated National Science Day:
ICAR-CISH inked MoU with Newtraway LLP, Lucknow :
One day training cum workshop on Entrepreneurship Development in Oyster Mushroom Production:
Farmers from Gaya district, Bihar visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow :
Farmers from Gopalganj district, Bihar visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Institute adopted four cows provided by Cow Shelter:
Celebration of Republic day:
ICAR, CISH, Lucknow organized webinar on value addition and processing of fruit and vegetables:
ICAR-CISH celebrated National Girls child Day :
Distribution of Marigold seed under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan:
Online training programme organized on Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture Research:
Scientist-Farmer interaction meeting under Amrut Bharat Mahotsav:
National Webinar on Clean Milk Production for Better Health and Price:
Workshop on toxic free farming under Farmer First Project:
Kisan Gosthi on topical management in orchards and live broadcast of Prime Minister programme:
Online Training programme on Intellectual property rights in agricultural research (10-15 January 2022):
Report on Swachchhata Pakhwara Activities (December 27-28, 2021):
Report on Swachhta Pakhwara Activities (December 25-26, 2021):
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organizes Farmer-Scientist Interaction meet under Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan week:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organizes expert lecture under Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan week:
Report on Swachchhata Pakhwara Activities (December 23-24, 2021):
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organizes Farmer-Scientist-Student Interaction meet under Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan week:
Outstanding gardeners were honored on the occasion of National Farmers Day:
Report on Swachhta Pakhwara Activities (December 20-22, 2021):
Report on Swachhta Pakhwara Activities (December 17-19, 2021):
Kisan gosthi and demonstration of mango canopy management technologies :
Farmers from Fatehpar district, Uttar Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Training programme organized for establishment of mushroom unit at Lucknow Cantonment for the benefit of Army staff:
ICAR-CISH RRS and KVK, Malda organized farmer-scientist Interface on Zero Budget Natural Farming coupled with the Live Telecast of PM address:
Farmers from Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Report on Swachhta Pakhwara Activities (16.12.2021):
Participation of ICAR-CISH in National Conclave on Natural Farming and Farmer-Scientist Interaction Organized :
भाकृअनुप-केंद्रीय उपोष्ण बागवानी संस्थान की प्राकृतिक खेती पर होने वाले ऑन लाइन राष्ट्रीय शिखर सम्मेलन में सहभागिता और कृषकों के साथ परिचर्चा :
Gosthi organized at Ganchapa, Kanth, Shahjahanpur:
Celebration of World Soil Day-2021 :
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized the programme interacting with school children on theme Waste to Wealth Management on Agriculture Education Day:
Farmers from Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Celebration of Constitution Day :
Kisan Gosthi organized at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow interacting with children by organizing the programme on theme Agriculture and Environment: The Citizen Face:
ICAR-CISH and Dr. RML Avadh University signed MoU:
Farmers from Satna, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Meditation Camp organized at ICAR-CISH:
Farmers from Bhind, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Vigilance Awareness Week-2021:
Webinar on Enterpreneurship Development in Horticulture: A New Paradigm:
Scientists-Students interaction meeting under Amrut Bharat Mahotsav programme:
National Unity Day-2021:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow inked MoU with Balaji Agro Foods, Lucknow:
ICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organized Webinar:
Input dealer (DAESI) from Barabanki district, UP visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
One day training programme on Button and Oyster mushroom production:
Students from SHUATS, Prayagraj visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-Central Institute of Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow organised Kisan Gosthi:
Mango farmers were demonstrated how to use Paclobutrazol:
Farmers Scientists Interface on Climate Resilient varieties, Technologies and Practices and Live Telecast of Honorable Prime Minister:
Webinar on Role of Fruits and Vegetables in Food and Nutritional Security:
हिंदी सप्ताह का आयोजन:
Farmers from Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Nutri Garden Campaign and Tree Plantation Programme:
Visit of students to ICAR-CISH, RRS & KVK under DAESI programme:
Demonstration of Broccoli cultivation under Farmer FIRST project:
ICAR-CISH Signed MoU with Sai Enterprise, Lucknow:
Innovator-Farmer Meet for promoting Nutri-sensitive Agriculture and Horti-entrepreneurship under Amrut Bharat Mahotsav programme:
Field day organized under Farmers FIRST project:
ICAR-CISH RRS Malda organized Scientist-Farmer interaction meeting on the topic Food and Nutrition for Farmers under Amrit Bharat Mahotsav programme:
Scientist-Farmer Dialogue on the topic Food and Nutrition for Farmers under Amrit Bharat Mahotsav programme:
Farmers from Arwal, Bihar visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized training cum workshop on Guava pulp processing and value added product under Farmers-First project:
ICAR-CISH, ABI Center organized an online entrepreneurs interaction meeting:
भा.कृ.अनु.प. - के.उ.बा.सं. में हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन :
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized Scientist-Farmer interaction meet under FARMER-FIRST project:
25th meeting of Research Advisory Committee:
Training programme under Amrut Bharat Mahotsav programme:
Online Scientist-Farmer Interaction Meeting under Amrut Bharat Mahotsav programme:
30th meeting of Institute Management Committee:
One day online webinar on Technology for production of high quality of guava fruit in rainy season:
Training on value addition of strawberries:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized training on ‘Pest management in sub-tropical fruit crops (mango, guava, citrus and pomegranate):
Celebration of World Water Day:
Farmers from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
Demonstration of cultivation of melon, watermelon and cucumber under FARMER-FIRST project:
Farmers from Bihar and Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized Farmers fair-2021:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized training on production, protection and post harvest management of subtropical fruit crops:
Farmers from Rohtas, Bihar visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized one month (200 hr) training on organic grower under ASCI :
ICAR-CISH celebrated International Womens Day:
Training on Motivation and Skill Up gradation for Skilled Support Staff:
Webinar on Prospects of Agricultural Education and Skill Development:
Inaugural Programme of Assistant Gardener Training under ASCI:
Field day on production of vermicompost from organic waste organized under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan:
Inauguration of Mango-made ice cream-based small scale industry under Atmanirbhar Bharat:
Field day on the production of strawberries in subtropical areas organized under SCSP:
Farmers from Shahjahnpur, Uttar Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
Field day on production of garlic organized under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan:
Field day on Nutri Garden organized under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan:
Visit of DAESI trainees to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Field day on production of off-season vegetables organized under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan:
Youth farmers visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Field Day on the production of Apple Ber organized under the Scheduled Castes Sub Plan:
Inauguration of training on bee keeping under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan:
Field Day on Vertical Gardening organized under Scheduled Caste Sub Plan:
Participation in Vegetable and Flower Show-2021 organized at Rajbhawan, Lucknow :
Shri J. P. Nadda, honorable National President of BJP visited ICAR-CISH,RRS/KVK, Malda:
Farmers from Siwan, Bihar and Sehore, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmers from Munger and Siwan, Bihar visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmers from Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh visited to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized training programme on Rejuvenation and after-care of mango, guava and aonla orchards:
Boosting Horti-preneurship in India through ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture:
Farmers from Sagar, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
Programme on promotion of Farm mechanization for better farm return for tribal farmer and Farmers meet:
Field day and training on production of Kharif onion in subtropical areas:
Mantrana on onion cultivation:
Farmers from Panna, Madhya Pradesh visited to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा की आख्या- 31.12.2020:
Awareness programme on effective use of bio-degradable waste and non bio-degradable waste:
Farmers from Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh visited to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा की आख्या- 30.12.2020:
44th meeting of Institute Research Committee:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा की आख्या- 29.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा की आख्या-28.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा की आख्या-27.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा ग्यारहवां दिन-26.12.2020 :
स्वच्छता पखवारा दसवां दिन-25.12.2020:
Awareness programme on scientific beekeeping and pollinators:
स्वच्छता पखवारा नौवां दिन-24.12.2020 :
भा.कृ.अनु.प.-के.उ.बा.सं. में प्रधान मंत्री जी द्वारा देश के किसानों के संबोधन एवं किसान सम्मान निधि के आवंटन कार्यक्रम का लाइव प्रसारण का आयोजन:
स्वच्छता पखवारा आठवां दिन-23.12.2020:
स्वयं सहायता समूहों हेतु वैकल्पिक आजीविका स्रोतों के सशक्तिकरण पर कार्यशाला:
स्वच्छता पखवारा सातवाँ दिन-22.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवारा छठा दिन- 21.12.2020 :
Entrepreneurship Development in Mushroom Production:
स्वच्छता पखवारा पंचम दिन-20.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवारा चतुर्थ दिन-19.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा तृतीय दिन-18.12.2020:
ICAR-CISH organized training on nursery management and horticulture diversification:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा द्वितीय दिन-17.12.2020:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा प्रथम दिन-16.12.2020:
ICAR-CISH Celebrated World Soil Day :
Empowering Horti-preneurs through ICAR-CISH-Agri-Business Incubation Centre:
Training on Mushroom production :
Visit of Students from Mewar University, Chittorgarh to ICAR CISH:
Training on disease management in strawberry production under SCSP:
ICAR- CISH Celebrated Constitution Day:
Technological demonstration and workshop to perk up the income of SC farmers through improved guava orcharding under SCSP:
Distribution of Strawberry plants to SC farmers:
Kisan gosthi on production of high value off season crops:
Awareness programme for improving the farmers income through intercropping in mango orchards:
Vigilance Awareness Week-2020:
National Unity day-2020:
महात्मा गांधी की 150 वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (02.10.2020):
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (01.10.2020):
Practical Training on Button Mushroom Production:
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (30.09.2020):
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (29.09.2020):
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (28.09.2020):
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (27.09.2020):
महात्मा गांधी की 150 वीं जयंती पर आयोजित एक सप्ताह का कार्यक्रम (26.09.2020):
Organization of Kisan Gosthi under Farmer First Project:
One day national e-training program on Growing fruits on the roof top:
Training cum workshop on Entrepreneurship Development on Button Mushroom Production and Processing:
कार्यक्रम की आख्या - हिंदी दिवस 14 सितम्बर 2020:
e-training on Enhancing Skills for Higher Scientific Productivity:
Independence day :
Information to farmers on banana Fusarium wilt through Unnat Kisan e-Samvad programme of Hindi Khabar news channel :
Exhibition of improved mango varieties and inauguration of Bagwan Mitra app:
ICAR-CISH organized Farm School on Advance Post Harvest Management Practices of Mango:
Online lecture on Challenges and Opportunity in Horticulture in the Scenario of COVID-19 Pandemic:
ICAR-CISH launched MangoBaba mobile apps to gear up entrepreneurs for digital marketing:
Online dialogue on Conservation of Horticultural Crop Diversity for Sustainable Livelihood :
Online Entrepreneurs Meet at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Entrepreneurship development programme on mango, guava, bael and aonla processed product:
Women farmer trainees visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
International Women Day:
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized training on Dehydration of Vegetables under SCSP :
ICAR- CISH organized training programme on High density orcharding of Mango and Guava:
Women farmer trainees from Siwan, Bihar visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow :
Participation in Vegetable and Flower Show-2020 organized at Rajbhawan, Lucknow:
Kisan Mela and Exhibition :
Awareness campaign about constitution:
Interaction meet with front runners :
ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Mango and Guava Pulp Processing:
ICAR-CISH participated in National Horticultural Fair -2020 :
Krishi Samriddhi Mela cum National workshop:
Farmers from Satna, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Training of farmers at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow under e-Choupal programme:
ICAR-CISH organized one day workshop on Vertical Hydroponics and Soilless Culture:
One Day Workshop on Vertical Hydroponics on 24 January 2020:
Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Mango and Guava Pulp Processing during 10-12 February, 2020.:
Meditation Camp organized at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Under the Women Empowerment Training Program, Women farmer trainees visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmers from Damoh, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (प्रेस एवं मीडिया कवरेज):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (30 एवं 31 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (28 एवं 29 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (26 एवं 27 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (24 एवं 25 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (22 एवं 23 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (20 एवं 21 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (18 एवं 19 दिसंबर 2019):
स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा (16 एवं 17 दिसंबर 2019):
43rd meeting of Institute Research Committee:
Trainees from State Agricultural Management Institute, Rehmankhera visited ICAR -CISH:
Progressive Horticulture Conclave- 2019:
Student of Nagaland University, Medziphema visited ICAR- CISH, Lucknow :
Students of Government Girls Inter College, Malihabad visited ICAR -CISH, Lucknow:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR -CISH under women empowerment Training programme:
Farmers from Datia, Madhya Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Students from Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Ayodhya Visited ICAR-CISH:
Women trainees from State Agricultural Management Institute visited ICAR-CISH:
Training on entrepreneurship and leadership development programme for horticulture entrepreneurs:
Exposure visit of students of SHUATS, Prayagraj to ICAR-CISH:
Students of SHUATS, Prayagraj visited ICAR-CISH:
ICAR -CISH Celebrated Constitution Day:
ICAR-CISH organized one day workshop on Roof Gardening:
Women trainees from State Agricultural Management Institute (SIMA) visited ICAR-CISH:
Students from Government Girls Inter College, Lucknow visited ICAR-CISH:
Farmers from Malihabad and Mal blocks of Lucknow visited ICAR-CISH:
ICAR-CISH organized refresher training course on Opportunities for Value Addition in Horticulture Produce :
Distribution of plant seed to SC Farmers:
First meeting of Quinquennial Review Team (Q.R.T.):
ICAR-CISH organized training on efficient tree architecture technique under HDP for resource conservation and increasing productivity of subtropical fruits:
Students of Sam Higginbottm University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj visited ICAR-CISH:
ICAR-CISH Celebrated Vigilance Awareness Week with the theme of Eradicate Corruption – Build a New India:
Under SCSP programme, ICAR-CISH organized one-day workshop on strawberry production in plain field:
Workshop on strawberry production in plain field :
One day workshop and exhibition on empowerment of scheduled caste community by institute trained progressive farmers:
All India Farmers Fair and Agriculture Industry Exhibition:
Students from Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur visited ICAR-CISH :
Workshop on plagiarism in scientific research idea and writing of research articles:
Farmers from Anooppur visited ICAR-CISH:
Farmers from Tikamgarh visited ICAR-CISH:
ICAR-CISH organized brainstorming workshop on DRIS in fruit crops:
Short Course on Precision farming practices for enhanced quality production of subtropical fruits-A way for doubling farmers income:
ICAR-CISH and Fair Farming Foundation signed MoU:
Jagriti Beej Sevika - Women employed in the establishment of seed industry:
ICAR-CISH organized Graduation Day:
Awareness Programme on Fall Army Worm:
Farmers from State Agriculture Management Institute visited to ICAR-CISH:
हिंदी पखवाड़ा - 2019:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (02.10.2019):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (27.09.2019 से 01.10.2019):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (26.09.2019):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (25.09.2019):
ICAR-CISH imparted training to tribal women on nursery management:
ICAR-CISH will develop front runner to perk up the livelihood of SC farmers under SCSP programme:
Under Prime Minister Krishi Sinchai Yojna, two days seminar was organised on Per Drop More Crop:
ICAR-CISH organized one day workshop on Roof Top Gardening (RTG) technique:
Kisan Mela cum Horticulture Seminar organized in Hathras:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (24.09.2019):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (23.09.2019):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (21.09.2019):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (19.09.2019 से 20.09.2019) :
Farmers from Sonbhadra visited ICAR-CISH :
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET):
ICAR-CISH developed Amla Prash:
One day workshop on Roof top gardening (RTG) technique for increasing income and meeting nutritional need of city dwellers:
ICAR-CISH helping in developing ultra high density mango orchards in Madhya Pradesh:
Farmers from Umaria visited ICAR-CISH:
Students of Horticulture College and Research Institute, Coimbatore visited ICAR-CISH:
Launch of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana (PMKMY):
Students of Shri Ram Institute of Management and Technology, Lucknow visited ICAR-CISH:
Exposure visit of Farmers at ICAR-CISH:
Women farmer trainees visited ICAR-CISH:
ICAR-CISH trained women farmer bagged Abhinav Kisan Award:
Students of Vidyasthali Inter College, Malihabad and City Montessori School, Lucknow visited ICAR-CISH:
ICAR-CISH organized Horti-preneurship workshop:
National Agriculture Exhibition:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR -CISH under farmers development programme:
29th meeting of Institute Management Committee:
ICAR-CISH and ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow Signed MoU with Bihar Kela Utpadak Sangh, Katihar:
Precision farming technology dissemination to empower farmers:
ICAR-CISH and ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow Signed MoU with Global Biotech Agro Solutions, Lucknow:
Parthenium Awareness Week organized by ICAR-CISH :
ICAR-CISH and ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow Signed MoU with Avika Enterprises Nursery, Katihar:
ICAR-CISH and ICAR-CSSRI, RRS, Lucknow Signed MoU with Matee Foundation Trust, Sant Kabir Nagar:
Brainstorming meet on strategies for the management of banana Fusarium wilt (TR-4) in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar:
Sadbhavana Divas:
ICAR-CISH organized workshop on developing kitchen garden in schools under mid-day meal scheme:
Independence day celebrated at ICAR-CISH:
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) sponsored farmers from Vidisha visited to ICAR-CISH:
State Agricultural Management Institute (SIMA) sponsored ATM, BTM and farmers visited to ICAR-CISH:
ICAR-CISH gloried the park by grafting of different varieties of mangoes:
ICAR-CISH trained people managed the waste into wealth:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under Farmers Welfare and Agricultural Development (FWAD) scheme :
Farmers from Jabalpur visited to ICAR-CISH:
Two days Hortipreneurship workshop to be organised by ICAR-CISH Lucknow on 30-31 August 2019:
ICAR-CISH imparted training on mango processing and value addition for empowering schedule cast farmers under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) programme:
ICAR-CISH bagged prestigious Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi 2017-18 Award:
Lecture on advance bactericide/fungicide formulation for crop protection:
ICAR-CISH and Satvik Biotech Pvt. Ltd. signed MoU:
ICAR-CISH and FMC India Pvt. Ltd. signed the agreement:
Short Course on Precision farming practices for enhanced quality production of subtropical fruits A way for doubling farmers income on October 14- 23, 2019:
Exposure visit of farmers conducted at ICAR-CISH:
Jagriti Beej Sevika Scheme:
Exposure visit-cum-Training of farmers conducted at ICAR-CISH:
Media Mango Festival-2019:
ICAR-CISH released new jamun variety CISH-Jamwant:
Visit of students from Integral university, Lucknow to ICAR-CISH:
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) sponsored farmers from Indira Gandhi Institute of Co-operative Management visited to ICAR-CISH:
Parthenium Eradication Drive in Zonal Park, Ashiyana:
24th meeting of Research Advisory Committee :
Farmers from Uchani visited to ICAR-CISH:
Rural women farmers from Bareilly visited to ICAR-CISH :
31st Delhi Mango Festival-2019:
Buyer-Seller meet organized at ICAR-CISH:
Stakeholder meeting on beekeeping :
Inauguration of special programme to promote stable beekeeping:
5वें अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस का आयोजन:
Farmers Training Programme at Azamgarh :
Mango growers conclave-2019:
Training programme on scientific fish culture in tribal villages:
हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन:
U.P. Mango Festival-2019:
Training programme on jute based handicrafts for empowering schedule cast women under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP) programme :
Foundation day cum workshop:
ICAR-CISH organised training programme on Production, Protection and Post Harvest Technologies of Guava:
Training programme on Ready to fruit bags milky mushroom cultivation :
Control of Panama wilt disease of Banana in Bihar by ICAR-FUSICONT:
ICAR-CISH organized 200 hours gardener training programme:
Peach Day organized at ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture:
ICAR-CISH and Rama University signed MoU:
Training Programme on Subtropical fruits:
Students from Lucknow University visited ICAR-CISH :
राजभाषा : नीति एवं निर्देशन पर हिंदी कार्यशाला:
Training Programme on Integrated management of mango and guava orchards:
Farmers from Andhra Pradesh visited ICAR-CISH :
Training programme on Ready to fruit bags mushroom cultivation:
Students of Zila Parishad Krishi Mahavidhyalaya visited ICAR-CISH:
Training programme for Scheduled Caste farmers on mushroom cultivation through ready to fruit bag:
Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela:
International Women Day-2019:
Workshop on Horticulture Entrepreneurship:
Seminar on Per Drop More Crop (Microirrigation) organized by ICAR-CISH under Pradhanmantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna:
Felicitation of Scientist by community based organization :
National Productivity Week:
ICAR-CISH Research Scholar bagged Prestigious DST Award:
ICAR-CISH organized Farmers Fair cum seminar for empowering scheduled castes farmers:
Agro and Food Technology Industrial Exhibition (India Food Expo-2019) :
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH on 23.02.2019:
Farmers from Sugarcane Farmers Institute Training Center (SFITC) visited ICAR-CISH:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) scheme:
Nursery training from 04-31 March 2019 under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana:
Science Expo-2019:
Vegetable and Flower Show-2019:
ICAR-CISH bid to empowers scheduled caste farmers:
Students of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology visit ICAR-CISH:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) scheme on 12.02.2019:
Agricultural Exhibition and Krishi Kumbh-2019:
Three days training on High density planting of subtropical fruits organized by ICAR-CISH:
Public awareness programme on Control of Panama-wilt in Banana:
Visit of Japanese delegates to ICAR-CISH:
Kisan Mela-2019 :
National Horticultural Fair -2019 :
Visit of Trainees to ICAR-CISH on 30.01.2019:
Visit of Students from Government high school Gaushalalpur, Kakori to ICAR-CISH:
CISH- Lalit produced more gorgeous fruit in Arunachal Pradesh:
Seminar-cum-Kisan mela :
Model Training Course on Scientific Bee-keeping for alternative livelihood and higher yield of crop plants through efficient pollination:
Residential training programme on Agri-Entrepreneurship- Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme:
Seminar on quality mango production, post-harvest management and marketing:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH on 11.01.2019:
Demonstration on mango mealy bug management at village Belgarha (Malihabad):
Two days Training-cum-Workshop on Per Drop More Crop (Microirrigation) organized by ICAR-CISH under Pradhanmantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna:
Visit of Students from Banda University of Agriculture and Technology to ICAR-CISH:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH on 04.01.2019:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under Agricultural Technology Management Agency scheme:
Visit of Students from Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology to ICAR-CISH:
Visit of ATM, BTM to ICAR-CISH:
Training programme on Horticultural crop production under subtropics:
Scientist- farmer interaction under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Programme:
Krishi Samriddhi Mela cum National Workshop on Integrated Farming System:
बागवानी फसलों की पौधशाला प्रबंधन पर प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-31.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-30.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-29.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-28.12.2018:
Organization of annual programme by Vidyasthali Inter College, Kanar, Malihabad at ICAR-CISH:
मुख्यमंत्री खेत तीर्थ योजना के तहत कृषको का भ्रमण:
Visit of gardener trainees to ICAR-CISH:
Inauguration of new component of BHAGIDARI under Tribal Sub-Plan :
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-27.12.2018:
Farmer day organized jointly by RRS and KVK of ICAR-CISH on 23.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-26.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-25.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-24.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-23.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-22.12.2018:
Visit of Students to ICAR-CISH on 22.12.2018:
कें.उ.बा.सं. में दिनांक 21.12.2018 को हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-21.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-20.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-19.12.2018:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under Mukhyamantri khet tirth yojna:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-18.12.2018 :
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-17.12.2018:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट-16.12.2018 :
Training cum production unit on scientific bee keeping and awareness programme under tribal sub-plan:
Scientist–Farmer interaction under my village my pride programme:
कृषि प्रदर्शनी और किसान गोष्ठी:
जागृति- आदिवासी महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण पर कार्यशाला:
Visit of Students to ICAR-CISH:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH:
Visit of Farmers to ICAR-CISH under Pradhanmantri Kaushal Vikas Yozana:
कृषको का दो दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण और संस्थान भ्रमण:
World soil day celebration at ICAR-CISH RRS Malda:
विश्व मृदा दिवस:
Visit of Women farmers to ICAR-CISH:
Scientist-farmer interaction under My village my pride programme:
Lecture on Behavioral and Communication skills for improving work environment and organizational output:
Model training course on Food and nutritional security of farm women through horticulture based interventions:
महिला कृषको का भा.कृ.अनु.प.-कें.उ.बा.सं. का भ्रमण :
IPR awareness program was organized on 14 November 2018:
Students of Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences visit CISH:
Students of Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences visit ICAR-CISH:
Workshop on Strawberry production in subtropics- challenges and strategies :
Student Visit:
Vigilance Awareness Week:
Refresher training programme on opportunities of value addition in horticulture :
Training programme on Organic farming in horticulture crops:
राष्ट्रीय एकता दिवस:
Workshop on Nutrismart Tribal Village :
Lecture on Sexual harassment of women at working place:
Celebration of Rice day programme at regional centre of CISH, Malda:
Model Training Course on Food and Nutritional security of farm women through horticulture based interventions:
Agriculture Exhibition and Farmers Gosthi:
For Professional Excellence in Certified Farm Advisor of Fruits training programme started by ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
महात्मा गाँधी की 150वी जयंती समारोह :
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (28.09.2018 से 01.10.2018):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट (25.09.2018 से 27.09.2018):
स्वच्छता ही सेवा रिपोर्ट 2018:
Workshop on Bio-waste management:
Students visit CISH for value-added course:
Tribute on the first monthly death anniversary of Bharat Ratna late Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji:
स्वच्छता ही सेवा की रिपोर्ट (सितम्बर 15-17, 2018):
Officers group of Seven States Learned Entrepreneurship:
प्रक्षेत्र अनुभव प्रशिक्षण:
Fruit fly management through rain sustainable pheromone traps developed by CISH:
ICAR- Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture invites application for Agri-Clinic and Agri-Business Centre Scheme:
Parthenium Awareness Week-2018:
CISH coaches young horti-entrepreneurs:
Awareness Programme on Scientific Bee Keeping:
MP horticulture officers trained at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Training of MP horticulture officers trained at CISH:
Farmers Training and Awareness Programme at Agra and Hathras Districts:
Horti-Entrepreneurship Workshop on Green House, Nursery, Tissue Culture and Value Addition 18-08-2018:
CISH-RRS, Malda organized a workshop on vegetable seed production:
Performance appraisal of high density guava by surveying Allahabad district and attending gosthi at Kaushambi:
Orientation programme on Food Processing and Value Chain Management:
Training programme under Mera Goan Mera Gaurav:
Training programme on Agriculture protection and Insect pest management in Kharib crops:
ICAR-CISH displays diverse mango collections at 30th Delhi mango festival :
23rd Meeting of Research Advisory Committee:
Training on preparing mango squash:
Uttar Pradesh Mango Festival 2018:
Live Telecast of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and farmers conversation:
International Yoga Day celebration on 21 June, 2018:
Workshop on postharvest handeling of mango on occassion of 35th Foundation Day of ICAR-CISH:
Workshop on doubling the farmers income:
City Montessori School Students study tour to ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
CISH organised Livelihood and Skill Development Diwas:
Peach Day celebrated at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Farmers Welfare Day Workshop organized under Gram Swaraj Abhiyan:
Kisan Kalyan Karyashala under Gram Swaraj Abhiyan:
Root-knot nematode emerging as major threat to guava nursery industry:
Polyhouse tomatoes to help raise farmers’ earnings :
Students from Banda visit CISH for knowledge update
Quinquenial Review Team Meeting of ICAR-AICRP-Fruits on mango, Guava and Litchi at Lucknow:
Participation in Kisan Mela at NDUAT, Faizabad:
ICAR- CISH Scientists took stock of mango pest and disease status in different districts of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand:
Puducherry farmers and officials visited CISH:
Cleanliness awareness programme organized under MGMG:
ICAR-CISH Technologies for Expression of Interest :
Cleanliness awareness programme organized under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav:
Farmers excelling in strawberry cultivation:
Visit of Students:
Participation in Krishi Unnati Mela-2018:
Training Programme on Milky mushroom cultivation:
Report on the webcasting of the Krishi Unnati Mela Event at ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Krishi Unnati Mela at IARI New Delhi on 17 March 2018:
Reschedule National Conference on Strategies and Challenges in Doubling Farmers Income ......:
Participation in TEDx Event at SRM University, Lucknow :
Refresher Course organized at ICAR-CISH, RRS, Malda for ATMA Officials :
Horti-Entrepreneurship Seminar on Value Addition, Nursery and Tissue Culture 12-02-2018:
Participation in Kisan Mela at CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow:
Horti-Entrepreneurship Seminar organized on 19 January, 2018:
Application invited for Gardner trainees:
Greenhouse operator training under ASCI :
Annual Review Meeting of DUS :
Agro-biodiversity Exhibition :
Horticultural Society of India Fellowship- 2017:
27th Meeting of Institute Management Committee (IMC) संस्थान प्रबंधन समिति की 27 वीं बैठक:
Project Coordinator, AICRP (Fruits) visit:
Technology demonstration and awareness programme organised at farmers field:
Education tour of Govt. Girls Inter College, Hazratganj, Lucknow:
Exposure visit of farmers :
Training on Aonla products:
Awareness workshop on ‘Safe use of pesticides in Agriculture’
Educational tour of Government Girls Inter College, Malihabad, Lucknow
विश्व मृदा दिवस का आयोजन:
Students of Government High School Sindharwa, Malihabad, visited ICAR-CISH, Lucknow:
Training programme on Improved cultivation of subtropical fruits:
Agriculture Education For Rural Youth:
Kisan Mela cum Agricultural Technology Exhibition Organized:
Constitution Day:
22nd Research Advisory Committee Meeting:
P.F.D.C., ICAR-CISH, Lucknow organized Farmers’ Awareness Programme at Sitapur district :
Vigilance Awareness Week 2017 :
Memorandum of Cooperation MoC on development of Food Processing Sector in Andhra Pradesh signed between ICAR-CISH and The State Government of AP:
National Unity Day 2017:
Connecting People to the Nature:
Mahila Kishan Diwas at ICAR CISH Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malda:
Training farmers from Eastern Uttar Pradesh:
Workshop on Methodological framework on Implementation of Farmer FIRST:
Sensitization workshop on micronutrient management, crop diversification, and post harvest management for doubling farmers’ income :
Doubling farmers’ income through awareness programme on micronutrient management, value addition and other horticultural technologies for fruits and vege:
Scientist-Farmers interactions programme/kisan gosthi on doubling farmers’ income through micronutrient management and other horticultural technologies:
Women empowerment: Improving farm women’s income through technological interventions :
सिरका बनाने की उन्नत विधि का प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम:
Workshop on income generation from Mushroom diversity for rural women and landless farmers:
Scientist-Farmers interaction meet for enhancing farmers’ income through nutrient management and crop diversification :
Scientist-Farmers interactions meet for doubling the farmers’ income:
Meeting on DAESI course at ICAR-CISH Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malda:
Workshop on Sensitization on Agri incubation for Startup:
Farmers Gosthi and distribution of high yielding and high quality hybrid seedling of vegetables:
Workshop on Stress Management: Causes and Prevention:
Pledge to build new India:
Farmers meeting and interactive session under Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Scheme :
Former Director General ICAR and Secretary (DARE) visited ICAR- CISH RRS and KVK Malda :
Kisan Gosthi’s at villages Rasoolpur, Tikaitganj and Dugauli:
Sensitization programme for management of leaf webber जाला कीट नियंत्रण सलाह :
Demonstration and distribution of fruit fly trap फल मक्खी ट्रैप का प्रदर्शन एवं वितरण:
Cluster based value chain on mango study in Saharanpur UP:
Training programme on Subtropical Fruits for B.Sc. (Ag.) students:
1st SAC Meeting of CISH KVK, Malda:
ICAR-CISH training for students on subtropical fruits ends:
An initiative to conserve traditional mango diversity of Malda and Murshidabad:
टपक सिंचाई, प्लास्टिक मलि्ंचग एवं संरक्षित खेती:
Short-term summer training programme:
Transfer of technology: MoU with CST UP:
Honorable Governor inaugurated Farmers First Project:
Exposure visit and training to farmers :
Kisan goshti at Rasoolpur :
Training programme on Integrated Pests and Diseases Management:
Polyethylene mulching demonstration trial:
‘Horti India 2017’ at Horticulture Technology Park, Greater Noida (NCR):
Residential Training Program:
Workshop on Micro Irrigation:
Foundation stone laid for KVK at Malda:
RTP for Tribal Master Trainers:
Group meeting with bee keepers:
Best Research Paper Award-2016 :
राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की बैठक:
Lecture on Genetically Engineered Crops :
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Meeting:
टपक सिंचाई, प्लास्टिक मल्चिंग एवं संरक्षित खेती की उपयोगि:
मेरा गाँव मेरा गौरव कार्यक्रम:
Nursery Production Using Green Energy:
Development of Community Based Organization for Better Profits to Mango Growers in West Bengal:
Students visit:
दिव्यांगों को फल एवं सब्जी प्रसंस्करण प्रशिक्षण:
किसान गोष्ठी का आयोजन:
Visit of APC Govt. of UP:
Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav - Rasoolpur:
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान:
ICAR-CISH in News:
Workshop on Green Climate Fund :
Visit of Director Horticulture Uttarakhand:
Exposure visit-cum-Training :
International Soil Day celebration (Dec5, 2016):
Agriculture Education Day (3 Dec, 2016):
Visit of Agriculture Commissioner GOI:
Sri Girdhari Lal Chadha memorial Award:
Constitution Day oath & Celebration :
Training for Sikkim farmers :
सफाई अभियान 28 अक्टूबर 2016:
सफाई अभियान:
Farmers training on HDP in Guava:
स्वच्छता अभियान:
Farmer Awareness Programme at Kannauj :
Swachhta Pakhwada :
Training for DDs/DHOs under PMKSY:
Swachh Bharat drive at Pahiya Ajampur:
Visit of Financial Advisor, DARE:
स्वच्छ भारत अभियान के अन्तर्गत स्वच्छता अभियान:
Rashtriya Swacchta Diwas:
Training on Micro Irrigation under PMKSY:
हिन्दी पखवाड़ा 2016 समापन समारोह:
कवि सम्मेलन:
Farmer-scientist interaction meeting :
Celebration of Hindhi Diwas at CISH:
Nutri-smart villages under TSP:
Tribal farmers’ meet:
Plant Genome Savior Community Award:
Training on drip irrigation and plastic mulching:
कार्यशाला - राज भाषा नियम, विनियम एवं कार्यान्वयन :
Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav:
Parthenium awareness week :
Training on squash and pulp preparation:
Brainstorming session on “GAP certification in mango”:
Awareness on “Conservation of mango diversity” :
Awareness workshop :
Awarness programme on GI:
Entrepreneurs Training:
Inauguration of Malda (RRS):
हिन्दी माह 15 Sep 2014-12 Oct 2014:
2nd Oct 2014 ( Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ):