CISH-Peach Fermented Drink

Ingredients: Peach, sugar, salt, Lactobacillus bacteria

Nutritive value/100 ml

  1. Total soluble solids - 3.8 oB
  2. Lactic Acid - 0.63 g
  3. Anti-oxidants – 31.5 mg
  4. Lactobacillus counts -  >106
  5. Calorie – 15

Key Features:

  1. Product is probiotic in nature containing live population of gut-friendly Lactobacillusbacteria.
  2. Technology is very simple and low cost.
  3. It is highly refreshing, attractive light red in colour , slight acidic astringent in taste, possessing all healthy properties of peach.
  4. The product is very useful for digestion. 
  5. A healthy drink with high anti-oxidant properties