CISH-Moringa Leaf Pickle

Ingredients: Moringa leaves, salt, spices, oil, Lactobacillus bacteria
Nutritive value/100 g

  1. Total soluble solids - 18 oB
  2. Lactic acid - 1.27 g
  3. Vitamin-C - 5.9 g
  4. Protein - 1.7 g
  5. Anti-oxidants – 243 mg
  6. Calorie - 72

Key Features:

  1. Pickle is prepared through lactic acid fermentation using Lactobacillus bacteria
  2. The product is acidic in taste possessing all healthy properties of moringa.
  3. It is a good appetizer which is also useful in digestion of food. 
  4. A healthy product with good anti-oxidant properties