CISH-Raw Mango Peel Soup Powder

Ingredients: Raw mango peel powder, spices and herbs
Nutritive value/100 ml of prepared soup

  1. Acid – 0.22 g
  2. Vitamin-C – 2.1 mg
  3. Anti-oxidants – 38 mg  
  4. Calorie – 1.8

Key Features:

  1. Raw mango peel is a good source of fibre, pectin, acid, minerals, phenolics and pigments like chlorophylls and carotenoids
  2.  The peel powder was added with spices and other ingredients and packed in laminated aluminum pouches. It serves as instant powder to prepare a tasty soup by adding with water and boiling for 2 minutes.
  3.  The product could be stored for 9 months under ambient conditions. Moreover, technology has good potential for utilizing big quantity of mango peel waste.