CISH Lalima

CISH Lalima

Technology Details

  • CISH- Lalima is a selection from half-sib selection from Apple guava.
  • Fruit weight 190 g and TSS 13.7° B, attractive crimson colour fruits, higher proportion of colored fruit and good yield (40-50kg/plant) with higher shelf life.
  • The average yield of 34 tone /ha.
  • Have better fruit quality (TSS and acidity blend) and biotic/abiotic stress tolerance.
  • It has wider adaptability in different guava growing regions of the country.

Licensing terms:

  • License fee : Rs. 80,000 + applicable taxes (25% rebate on the license fee for MSME registered firms)
  • Royalty :  Nil

Target customers Startups, MSMEs, Nursery industry