Dr. T. Damodaran
ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow is a premier institute located amidst the mango belt of Lucknow has contributed remarkably in research and development of subtropical horticultural fruit crops as well as improved the livelihood of small and marginal farmers through various technological interventions. Institute has largest field gene bank of mango (775) in the world besides, field gene bank of guava (152), aonla (35), bael (18) and other important minor fruit crops.
Institute has developed 2 mango hybrids, viz., CISH-Ambika and CISH-Arunika, 4 guava varieties (CISH-Lalit, CISH- Shweta, CISH- Dhawal and CISH-Lalima) and one jamun variety (CISH-Jamwant) which is cultivated in different parts of country. Institute has a robust programme on production of clean planting materials of mandated fruit crops.
The institute has identified poly-embryonic salt tolerant rootstock “Sagarika”. The institute has standardized the pruning techniques for rejuvenation of old and senile mango orchards. The institute has also developed package of practices for high density planting system in mango and guava. CISH- Mango-grow is a micro nutrient mixture developed by the institute to address the yield loss in mango due to micronutrient deficiency. The institute has developed CISH Biozapper which is a microbial formulation having dual properties of PGPR and degradation of pesticide residues in mango as well other crops. CISH has developed various inset trapping mechanisms such as CISH Trap 1, CISH Trap 2, CISH Trap 3, CISH Glue Trap (multi-layered and long lasting) and is contributing immensely towards promotion of organic agriculture. The institute has developed espalier architecture, integrated pest and disease management and package of practices for high density planting of guava in the subtropics.
The institute succeeded in developing frontline technologies like ICAR-FUSICONT (in collaboration with ICAR-CSSRI) for management of Fusarium wilt in banana caused by TR4 race. Besides, institute has developed protocol for in vitro bio-immunization of tissue culture banana for developing plantlets that are having resistance against Fusarium wilt.
The institute is also working towards promotion of urban horticulture. Institute has developed novel technologies in hydroponics with appropriate nutrient solutions for urban homesteads. The institute has also developed container gardening techniques to enable the households to grow nutrient rich fruits (guava, lemon, orange) on their terrace itself.