CISH Dhawal

CISH Dhawal

Technology Details

  • CISH-Dhawal has an average yield of 38.4 t/ha which is more than the double of national average of 15.6t/ha (2021-22) and more than CISH Lalima
  • It has soft and moderate number and seed weight (0.93g /100 seed), yield: 80-90kg/plant.
  • TSS 13.4o Brix, acidity 0.42 per cent and vitamin ‘C’ more than 250 mg per 100g fruit.
  • It is suitable for both table and processing purposes.
  • It has wider adaptability in different guava growing regions of the country and also suitable for rainy season.

Licensing terms:

  • License fee : Rs. 1,00,000 + applicable taxes (25% rebate on the license fee for MSME registered firms)
  • Royalty : Nil

Target customers : Startups, MSMEs, Nursery industry