CISH- Bael-Aonla Prash

Ingredients: Bael, aonla, honey, spices, herbs
Nutritive value/100 g

  1. Total soluble solids - 75 oB
  2. Acid - 3.32 g
  3. Vitamin-C - 176.5 mg
  4. Anti-oxidants – 1.52 g
  5. Calorie - 300

Key Features:

  1. Prepared from bael, aonla and honey using Indian spices and herbs.
  2. No heating is involved during the process.
  3. Very delicious with sweet-spicy taste and pleasant bael aroma.
  4. A healthy product very rich in vitamin-C and anti-oxidant elements.
  5. Very useful in stomach problem and potent immunity booster.